What happens to my online identity when I die?
Burdekin Life Article - 30.05.24

It’s common for many of us to plan for our physical assets after we’re gone, but we often overlook our digital footprint. While some have prepared a list of online accounts and passwords for their loved ones, it’s crucial to consider the broader impact of our digital presence. Should we vanish from the online world completely, or could our social media accounts serve as a platform for our friends and family to navigate their grief? These are important questions worth discussing.
Nowadays, many people of all ages use online platforms to live their lives. It makes sense that they might want to keep communicating even after they die. Some companies offer services for people who want to plan their online afterlives. Although it may seem farfetched and like they are taking advantage of people, giving closure to family and friends can be very comforting.
When someone passes away without organising their Digital Identity, it can cause problems for their family. It can be very difficult for loved ones to regain control of the person’s online accounts with some companies. This can create a lot of stress for the family. After someone has passed, their Facebook and Twitter accounts can become targets for hackers, causing additional stress for friends and family or resulting in the family losing control of the account.
If you would like to know more about how to safeguard your Digital Identity, come along to our workshop:
Workshop: Digital Legacy
Guest Speaker: Carly Crompton – nbn Australia
When: Thursday, 6th June, 2024
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Where: Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre, 40 Chippendale St, Ayr
Cost: Free
Please contact the team on 07 4783 4243 to reserve a spot at the workshop as soon as possible.
Until next week
The Team – Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre