Local Social Groups who meet regularly at the Centre
Aglow International Australia
Phone: 0406 922 417 (Maria)
A local Interdenominational Christian Organisation for men and women who meet at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre on Thursday and Sunday evenings.
Please contact Maria for further information.
Burdekin District 4wd Club
Email: burdekin4wd@gmail.com
A local social group meets the first Tuesday of each month (February to December) at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre. Monthly weekend outings include 4×4 driving, camping, camp oven cooking, exploring nature, and friendly social experiences. Social events include organised day outings to places of interest, BBQs, and luncheons.
Please contact the club via email for further information.
Burdekin Games Society
Phone: 0419 784 982
A local social group of like-minded adults who enjoy and play tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. Dungeons and Dragons is a game usually involving 6-8 people who role-play an adventure using dice to work through challenges in a fantasy world where each player is a character – think Lord of the Rings. The group meets every fortnight.
Please get in touch with John for further information.
Mahjong Players
Ph 07 4783 4243
A local social group meets every Monday afternoon between 1 pm and 5 pm at the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre to play Mahjong.
Please phone Dawn for further information.