Navigating Change
Burdekin Life Article - 11.04.24
Buddha tells us ‘That the only constant in life is change’. Henry Ford says ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’. They are certainly not wrong.
Change is one of the big things we are always navigating here at the Neighbourhood Centre. In the last couple of weeks, we have been presented with a possible big change for our operations, and it got us thinking: How do we work through this change, what are our options, and the big one—how do we feel about changing?
While embracing change as an opportunity for growth and improvement, we recognise that navigating change can be challenging.
We invite you to Google the Küblar-Ross Change Curve. It shows that change is a cycle—each event has a beginning and an end. Is that at all helpful? We think so!
For any event in our lives, the Kübler-Ross Change Curve can give us a general map of where we might be sitting. The progression of change is different for everyone, and as a community, we strive to be accepting of each other and of our particular journeys.
Neighbourhood and Community Centres can play a significant role in peoples’ journeys, as it doesn’t really matter where on the curve we engage people – we can accept them and adapt our work so that we may be a positive influence to them moving forward. We can all learn something from someone else – a perspective, a skill, a story. These only come from change and the circumstances we experience. It is only when we stop and listen that we can truly hear and appreciate the value of these experiences.
The Team – Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre