Who is Your Priority?
Burdekin Life Article - 15.02.24
If you were asked the question, “Who is your priority?” where would you place yourself on your list?
Putting ourselves before our loved ones and other responsibilities is not always easy.
We often hear about the concept of work-life balance, compassion fatigue, and mental well-being. Although we understand how important it is to take care of ourselves, many of us tend to put it off for another time. We might say things like “I’ll do it when I have more time,” “after I retire,” or “I’ll take care of it over the weekend.”
What is Self-Care?
It’s anything you do to care for your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
Making small changes to daily routines can support us in challenging times and improve our overall health and well-being.
How do we achieve this?
The Burdekin community has masseuses, yoga and meditation practitioners, life coaches, many sporting clubs, arts and crafts, cultural and spiritual groups, libraries, and amazing natural surroundings to enjoy.
When we focus on our needs and take care of ourselves, it becomes a normal part of our daily lives. This change can inspire and encourage those around us to practice self-care too. Taking care of ourselves also means taking care of those we love and care about. When children learn to practice self-care early on, they are better prepared to handle the challenges of life.
We are excited to join Ross Romeo from CORES Qld to bring to the community their Self-Care and Mental Wellbeing Workshop. Although normally delivered online, Ross and the BNC Team aim to make this a regular face-to-face opportunity. Contact the Centre on 47834243 if you would be interested.
What does self-care look like to you? Is it curled up with a favourite book? Spending time with mates? A walk on the Beach? We would love to share your ideas on our Facebook page – post a photo and tag the Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre.
The Team – Burdekin Neighbourhood Centre